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The climate crisis is one of the world's
most pressing and complex issues. 

The Climate Fresk is a 3-hour interactive workshop that teaches you about our changing climate system and empowers you to take high-impact climate action.

The workshop guides you through the findings of reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the global authority on climate science.

It was designed by climate educator Cédric Ringenbach in 2018 to help make the latest IPCC report more accessible.

Participants walk away with a deeper understanding of our climate, a stronger connection to the social issues of climate change, and clear ideas about how they can make a difference.

  • Empower your teams with vital climate knowledge

  • Spark conversations about positive climate solutions

  • Strengthen teamwork and buy-in for your organisation's direction

Climate fresk in TAIWAN
Workshop & Training: Service
planetary boundaries


The most comprehensive & complete fresco on ecological issues.

Experience a 3-hour workshop to understand what makes our planet Earth habitable.

Climate, biodiversity, water cycle, ocean acidification... There are numerous environmental issues, and it's easy to get overwhelmed.

The Planetary Boundaries fresco

offers participants the opportunity to step back and gain perspective.

The workshop introduces you to the 9 planetary boundaries, maps out and connects the major ecological questions, allowing you to consider the ecological issue as a whole.

  • A 360-degree view of ecological issues

With the Planetary Boundary Fresco, we will see the full spectrum of ecological challenges and stop focusing solely on Climate Change.

  • The keys to taking action in my organization 

At the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding of the Earth System and be able to take action to preserve our planet.

  • Open your eyes to a possible transition.

Through this workshop, see the transition as the art of navigating towards opportunities while avoiding the reefs.

Workshop & Training: Service
Atelier Adaptation au Changement Climatique


Climate change is here. Its impacts are widespread and intensifying.

In just three hours, the Climate Change Adaptation Workshops provide the keys to collectively make the right choices and avoid maladaptation.

  • Defining the Scope of Adaptation

Adaptation, which involves taking action to address the consequences of climate change, is often mistaken for mitigation, which involves addressing its causes. To clarify this distinction, we begin with a brief clarification.

  • Acquiring a Method to Make the Right Choices.

When it comes to adaptation, we often unintentionally make the wrong choices without even realizing it. Therefore, a method is needed to prevent inadvertently reinforcing risks while seeking to reduce them, and most importantly, to maximize co-benefits.

  • Experiencing the Collective Dimension

The workshop provides an opportunity to engage in collective intelligence and understand that without dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders, an adaptation measure is at risk of failure during its implementation.

  • Understanding the Urgency

Both in terms of adaptation and mitigation, time is of the essence, and certain limits should not be exceeded.

Workshop & Training: Service
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